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[Magebane] .magebane .antimage .magina (0.3.3)

Skill Build
1 - Flash
2 - Mana Combustion
3 - Mana Combustion
4 - Flash
5 - Mana Combustion
6 - Mana Rift
7 - Mana Combustion
8 - Flash
9 - Flash
10 - Master of the Mantra
11 - Mana Rift
12 - Master of the Mantra
13 - Master of the Mantra
14 - Master of the Mantra
15 - Stats
16 - Mana Rift
17 - Stats+

Justification / Modifications:
Straightforward build. I can see no situation where you would go another build.

Starting Items:
Runes of the Blight, Healing Potion, Logger's Hatchet, 3x Minor Totem

Item Build:
Iron Shield >> Lifetube >> Steam Boots >> Runed Axe >> Whispering Helm >> Shrunken Head >> Frostburn >> Symbol of Rage

Iron Shield is technically not needed, but in most lanes it is worth building. It protects you from harass and will help your farming a great deal even later on. As soon as you get Whispering Helm start stacking Ancients. You can take them out easily by that point.


Roles: Hard-Carry
Prefered Lane: Short
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
Farming capabilities: 1 - Poor
Item dependancy: 5 - Very Heavy
- Early Game / Lane Control: 1 - Very Weak
- Mid Game / Ganks: 2 - Weak (Kills possible with ult against Int Heroes)
- Late Game / Team Fights: 5 - Very Strong (Scales incredibly well)

- Farm, farm, farm but don't forget to help in team battles.
- Ancient Stacking is a nice way to get him fat fast.
- Very straightforward to play, nothing really to say here.

- Long duration disables and silence. Heroes: Puppet Master, Succubus, Defiler, Electrician, Blood Hunter.
- Itemwise is Sheepstick and Armor a solid choice. Barbed Armor is a good pickup.

Magebane Mini Guide credit by Newtie


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