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Scout Mini Guide

[Scout] .scout (0.3.3)

Skill Build
1 - Electric Eye
2 - Vanish
3 - Vanish
4 - Electric Eye
5 - Vanish
6 - Marksman Shot
7 - Vanish
8 - Disarm
9 - Disarm
10 - Disarm
11 - Marksman Shot
12 - Disarm
13 - Electric Eye
14 - Electric Eye
15 - Stats
16 - Marksman Shot
17 - Stats+

Justification / Modifications:
Straightforward build. Eye is taken at level 1 to ward rune + enemy creep spot. At level 4 we take another level of Eye to initiate ganks.
Under no circumstances should you use another build for scout.

Starting Items:
Runes of the Blight, Healing Potion, Logger's Hatchet, 3x Minor Totem

Item Build:
Power Supply >> Sustainer >> Steam Boots Strength/Agi >> Runed Axe >> Shieldbreaker >> Whispering Helm >> Savage Mace >> Symbol of Rage

Power Supply is core. Always get it; it can save your life with only 2 charges to be able to vanish. After that get lifetube against a strong lane or manatube against a weaker lane first (Manatube allows for Marksman shot harass while lifetube counters their harass). Complete Sustainer, pick up Steamboots and finish off runed axe. If your farm is really good skip boots until after runed axe (this means if you can get a <17min Axe go for it). Ghost Marchers are useless as they break vanish and runed axe lets you stay in vanish for almost no upkeep cost.
Once you get Runed axe you can clear a full wave of creeps in a matter of 2 seconds out of vanish. Make use of that to farm your luxury items.
You can get Whispering Helm before Shieldbreaker and you can replace Shieldbreaker with Frostburn (matter of taste).


Roles: Carry, (Ganker)
Prefered Lane: short
Difficulty: 1 - Very Easy (probably the easiest hero to play if you don't use eyes to silence, scales incredibly well)
Farming capabilities: 1 - Poor (goes to excellent as soon as he completes runed axe)
Item dependancy: 5 - Very Heavy
- Early Game / Lane Control: 1 - Very Weak (can't do **** short of silencing, gets a bit better with his ult)
- Mid Game / Ganks: 3 - Medium
- Late Game / Team Fights: 4 - Strong (Very Strong if not countered by Anti-Invis)

- Get eyes. Plant them before the creeps spawn at your rune spot and if long laned in their neutral pull spot (put it into the trees next to the camp. This will still block the camp and they can't easily spot it).
- If they have a jungling hero consider putting both wards into their forest. Or get a third level of Eyes early. It really ****s up a tempest or ophelia.
- Set an Eye before Ganks and blow it up by pressing "E" one second after you break out of vanish.
- Once you get Electric Eye level 4 plant wards in their forest to check for easy gank opportunities.

- The obvious counter to scout are Invisibility revealing items: Dust, Wards of Revelation and Bound Eye. Dust is the best choice until later in the game when you can safely buy an eye and push.
- He has high physical damage so Armor and especially Barbed Armor will work very good.

 Scout Mini Guide credit by Newtie


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