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Geometers Bane
Geometer's Bane
Components- Slash, Blessed Orb and a 500g Recipe.
Want DPS?
Geometer’s Bane – or if your still old school, the Manta. Well this is an item that is definitely one of the most underused damage items you can buy in HoN.
Back in the days of Dota, it use to be a primo item on the likes of a ranged carry, and you most often saw it being used on Mirana.
However, for HoN – this item not only makes many other dps items look silly, but it also plays a staple part of many carries builds and hardly any people realize it.
So lets take a look at the item first- We are talking 4850gold all in to build it, and because of its components, it builds very nicely indeed.
This is the first reason for geo being so damn good. You have a choice of building it two ways, the first is to go for the slash-
Slash – is hands down one of the best early game initiation items for almost any carry, the damage, attack speed and move speed for just 2250g makes for some sick early game ganking.
Blessed Orb
Blessed Orb – it can be a pricey way to start a build, probably not advised as a first item- but more likely to come after boots / bracers / totems. But it can be that extra early on stat boost item that really enables certain low stat gain heroes from becoming early game ganker food – providing a bigger health and mana pool for fights.
Then the extremely cheap 500g recipe cost – meaning there is no ridiculously long down time between having the components and having the completed recipe – for example like you get with a Mock / Shieldbreaker / Brutaliser etc.
So we know it builds nice, but why is it such a good damage item compared to the likes of a Riftshards or a Battlefury – well the items bonuses, the ability and its cool-down all provide far greater benefit on certain heroes in terms of damage for gold.
I will explain this in terms of 2 heroes who are unbeknown to most as staple geometers bane heroes.
= Puppet Master and Chronos.
So lets start with Puppet Master
Puppet Master
So here we have an epic disabler / carry. He has like the other staple Geometers Bane heroes- a passive proc. In puppets case- his proc is a + damage splash hit for every 5 hits he makes.
Anyone who knows anything about HoN will tell you that this is the main reason this hero can be such a sick carry- as the damage output is insane. On the basis that you get this bonus ‘crit’ every 5 hits, it makes perfect sense for this hero to have + damage and + attack speed, both bonuses granted by a geo. In fact, on a puppet master with no other items than a geo – at level 7, he gets exactly 1 attack per second.
Ok so it’s got nice bonuses – but what really makes this sick is the combination of his proc working on the illusions that spawn from the Geometers bane’s Ability. Again in the example of a level 7 puppet master – the number of hits a Puppet can get on target in the illusion time is roughly 20 hits. That is 4 double damage splash procs. In this same space of time the illusions can get 17 hits including 3 double damage splash procs. Altogether that is 7 procs in 20 seconds.
So again using the same example – each puppet hit does around 90 normal damage and 180 on a proc hit, and for the illusions it is about 30 for a normal hit and 50 for a proc hit, so in the total space of the 20 seconds- the max damage output is:
16 hits X 90dmg + 4X 180 proc dmg + 17 X 30dmg + 3 X 50 proc dmg
= 1950 direct damage + 870 splash damage from procs.
(on a 4 base armor target)
That is around 2800 damage in 20 seconds- from a level 7 puppet master with no other items than a geo……………..
Obviously this is not fully taking account of armor reductions, how many hits you will actually get off on a given target in 20 seconds etc etc- but hypothetically you can compare this same damage to other similar cost items like a Hell Flower that costs more than a geometers bane– the max damage output from a lvl 7 puppet master in 20 seconds is 2400 – that includes the same 4 procs and in total a lower proportion of the damage is splash. Not to mention you haven’t got the added protection of two identical spawns of yourself to confuse the enemy.
It might not seem like a big difference – but when you consider that the illusions bonuses grow every time you get another item, e.g lets say – a Hellflower AND a geo. Your damage skyrockets up to around 5k in 20 seconds with 2k of that being splash.
Don’t believe its sick? Try it out, it synergises perfectly with Puppet Masters Hold and his ultimate as well making it a staple item build on
Now lets look at Chronos
Again the beauty of a geo’s bonuses come through perfectly on this hero, the extra damage, move speed and attack speed are all crucial elements to any void who wants to be an effective carry.
However, once again – the secret of the geo being so damn good on void is the passive proc ability, due to the fact that both his illusions can stun proc. Also because they are separate entities from the main hero, they do not share a bash cool-down and so literally you can stun lock like back in the days of Troll Warlord with two bashers.
In terms of damage output, lets take a look at an example- again based on using a level 7 void with nothing but a geometers bane.
He gets 1.05 attacks per second – so like before, around 20 hits in the full illusion time, and just like with puppet- the illusions get around 17 hits off. When you take account of the fact that the main Void hero hits for 100dmg, and the illusions are about 35 – with the bash proc doing the full 70 magic damage on both the void AND his illusions- you can imagine its going to be pretty insane.
For the full 20 seconds of the illusions, the total damage dealt on a standard 4 armour target with base magic resistance – is on average 3360 damage averaged over about 15 attempts. On top of this ridiculous damage output- the average number of stuns in that same 20 seconds, is 12!
Again to put this in perspective, if you conduct the same damage test on a level 7 void with an even more expensive item – a Mock of Brilliance which costs 300g more than a Geo. In the same 20 seconds, the overall damage dealt is just averaging at 2600 damage.
I also tested it out on a void with a shield breaker and a wraith band = value of 4900 the average damage output for 20seconds is just 2700.
Just to make it even more unfair in terms of gold cost- I tried it on a level 7 void with a savage mace- gold cost of 5400, that’s 600g more than a geo. The averaged out damage output for 20seconds is 2900 damage.

So if this doesn’t prove how sick it is, just watch this video of a level 7 void hitting on a 5k health 4 armor tiny and look at how often the stun procs.
Written by Euls


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