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What S2 Is Doing? The Gameplan!

Hello everyone!

I wanted to take the time to let everyone know that what we've been doing, what we're going to be doing, and what our plan is for open beta & retail release.

We've been developing and are working to finish the following:

1.) Automated Match Making
2.) New Interface (We call it Front End 2.0 or FE2)
3.) Art Polish
4.) Gameplay Balance

Much of this stuff has been in the works for a while and progress has been great. We're getting near the end of having this stuff is a testable state.

Our plan is to do the following:

1.) Release a Beta Test Patch with the above mentioned *when it is ready*
2.) Test & Fix & Patch (as many times as necessary) issues related to the above changes
3.) Finalize and put patch into Beta Client
4.) Go to Open Beta which will run for an unset period of time (we plan to release some new heroes during the open beta)
5.) Release the game as retail requiring payment to continue to play at such time we feel Open Beta has run its course.
6.) Continue to polish, improve, and create new content for HoN (this will include the eventual release of a Map Editor, SDK, New Heroes & Items & Maps)
7.) ?????
8.) Profit!
S2 Staff Member
original post


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