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So, it's been a while since we gave an update with some content as to what we're working on, and as we draw closer to being able to release the next patch we plan to give you guys some sneak peeks of what it'll contain.

We'd like to apologize for the delay in this patch. We started some pretty ambitious goals (such as the new interface) and we refuse to settle for anything less than top quality. With that in mind, development dragged out a little longer than expected (isn't that always the case?). No worries, we're working around the clock to get everything taken care of and we're getting closer!

In the meantime I hope to entice you guys with some cool peeks at upcoming changes and content while we finish work here.

Right now, it's Pollywog time.

We said a while ago when the Honcast guys were here that we are remodeling and redoing the effects for Pollywog. And we did.

But first :

Pollywog Priest
- Remodeled and effects redone
- Range increased to 550 from 500
- Base Armor increased to 1.30 from 1.14 

So, compare this new model in the facebook, the orange frog,
I think it's the previous design for the new Pollywog priest,
see the totem/wards model too :

Next is the 1st skill, Lightning Jolt, no big change,
but the Binding, 
we can see it in the pic below, so epic, lolz :

Then the Morph thing will morph you into this :

Then, the Voodoo Wards or should I say it Laser Totem? :

Maybe we'll get these heroes voice in the next patch too, because Idejder said it done already :
have voices already done

See it all here by Idejder :


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