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Night Hound

Night Hound
Scurrilous rumors of unnatural parentage have haunted this proud, leonine warrior his entire life.
He long served in the Beast Horde as a shadowy scout and assassin before taking on a comparable role in the new Legion. Wherever he came from, Night Hound is a welcome ally and a deadly foe.


Attack Type=Melee
Attack Damage=48-52
Attack Range=125
Strength per level=2
Agility per level=2.9
Intelligence per level=1.3
Smoke Bomb
Night Hound throws a smoke bomb at target location.
Enemies standing within the smoke are silenced and will have a higher chance to miss with their attacks.
Enemies within the cloud also have reduced movement and attack speed.

Level 1 : 250 radius 40% chance to miss -25% movespeed -25% attackspeed for 6 seconds
Level 2 : 275 radius 50% chance to miss -25% movespeed -25% attackspeed for 6 seconds
Level 3 : 300 radius 60% chance to miss -25% movespeed -25% attackspeed for 6 seconds
Level 4 : 325 radius 70% chance to miss -25% movespeed -25% attackspeed for 6 seconds
Mana cost  75/80/85/90
Cooldown  15 seconds
When in his own Smoke Bomb, Night Hound is ignored by creeps and towers

Taking full advantage of the element of surprise,
Night Hound teleports to a target unit. If target unit is an enemy,
Night Hound will strike them when he teleports, dealing additional damage.

Level 1 : Teleports to target dealing 30 bonus damage
Level 2 : Teleports to target dealing 60 bonus damage
Level 3 : Teleports to target dealing 90 bonus damage
Level 4 : Teleports to target dealing 120 bonus damage
Mana cost 50
Cooldown 20/15/10/5 seconds
Night Hound is a master at exploiting openings in combat.
When he attacks a target from behind, he does extra damage

equal to {25,50,75,100}% of his agility.
Level 1 : Bonus damage of 25% of agility from behind
Level 2 : Bonus damage of 50% of agility from behind
Level 3 : Bonus damage of 75% of agility from behind
Level 4 : Bonus damage of 100% of agility from behind
Mana cost n/a
Cooldown n/a
Night Hound learns to better conceal himself,
making him invisible to the naked eye when not attacking.

Level 1 : Fade time 3
Level 2 : Fade time 2.25 seconds
Level 3 : Fade time 1.5 seconds
Mana Cost n/a
Cooldown n/a


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