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Madman guide by Janski

Attack Type=Melee
Attack Damage=47-51
Attack Range=100
Strength per level=2.1
Agility per level=2.75
Intelligence per level=1.5
Stalk (Q)
The Madman conceals himself for a short time,
granting him invisibility and increased movement speed.
In his wild craze, the madman lashes out and damages any
enemies that come near him while stealthed.
Level 1 : Applies Stalk to self for 4 seconds. Deals 90 magic damage to enemys he passes through.
Level 2 : Applies Stalk to self for 4 seconds. Deals 100 magic damage to enemys he passes through.
Level 3 : Applies Stalk to self for 4 seconds. Deals 110 magic damage to enemys he passes through.
Level 4 : Applies Stalk to self for 4 seconds. Deals 120 magic damage to enemys he passes through.
Mana cost 60
Cooldown 12/10/8/6 seconds
Stalk effects
+50% Movement speed
Stealth with 0.5 second fade time unit walking.
Barrel Roll (W)
The Madman does a Barrel Roll, smashing into
opponents in his path. Enemy units caught in
his wake are damaged and slowed.
Level 1 : Range 400, 100 damage, dazed for 4.5 seconds, units hit by Barrel Roll will be stunned for 1 seconds
Level 2 : Range 500, 150 damage, dazed for 4.5 seconds, units hit by Barrel Roll will be stunned for 1.25 seconds
Level 3 : Range 600, 200 damage, dazed for 4.5 seconds, units hit by Barrel Roll will be stunned for 1.5 seconds
Level 4 : Range 700, 250 damage, dazed for 4.5 seconds, units hit by Barrel Roll will be stunned for 1.75 seconds
Mana cost 130
Cooldown 11
Returns Madman to his original position after reaching the target destination
Gash (Passive)
The Madman becomes increasingly proficient at
gutting his enemies, giving him a higher chance to
critically strike them.
Level 1 : 10% chance for 2.0x Critical Strike
Level 2 : 16% chance for 2.0x Critical Strike
Level 3 : 22% chance for 2.0x Critical Strike
Level 4 : 28% chance for 2.0x Critical Strike
Mana cost n/a
Cooldown n/a
Berserk (R)
The Madman flips out, going totally berserk,
increasing his attack and movement speed.
Level 1 : +5% Movement speed +40 Attackspeed for 30 seconds
Level 2 : +7% Movement speed +80 Attackspeed for 30 seconds
Level 3 : +9% Movement speed +120 Attackspeed for 30 seconds
Mana Cost 100/150/205
Cooldown 55
Skill Build:
1. Stalk
2. Barrel Roll
3. Stalk
4. Barrel Roll
5. Stalk
6. Berserk
7. Stalk
8. Barrel Roll
9. Barrel Roll
10. Gash
11. Berserk
12. Gash
13. Gash
14. Gash
15. Stats
16. Berserk
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Stats
24. Stats
25. Stats
2x Duck Boots
1x Pretender’s Crown
1x Runes of Blight
1x Ring of the Teacher (Guardian Ring + Scarab)
1x Runes of Blight
During the early game, try to be aggressive with your stalk because it is quite useful especially if you do have Ring of the Teacher.
If not, stay back, focus on last hitting and denying to get that level advantage.
If you solo, try to focus on denying and then last hitting at tower to be very careful and survive. Spam stalk when you can.
1x Abyssal Skull
1x Steamboots (Str)
2x Soulscream Ring
If you did better:
1x Mighty Blade
During this portion of the game, go ahead and try ganking people as much as you can.
Getting money is key especially in this portion of the game if you want to dominate during the rest game.
Finish your Hack as fast as you can and continue ganking and pushing towers.
As soon as your Hack and Slash is finished, you’ll be super fast which means easier to chase.
1x Abyssal Skull
1x Steamboots (Str)
1x Hack and Slash
1x Ruined Axe
1x Savage Mace
1x Demonic Breastplate
At the late stages of the game, try pushing as hard as you can and dominate till the end.
Once you get your ruined axe, or any of the other last 3 items, the game should be over, but I like giving more options. =]
Items to Concider (Situational):
Shrunken Head
Very useful in cases of nukers or strong spells cast mostly against you.
In cases of hard hitters or really annoying stunners or casters, very useful item to stun as much as you can.
Worst Enemies:
Bound Eye (Or other reveal invis items)
Yes, your true enemy. You need to kill the bearer of this item as fast as you can! If you cannot spam your stalk, there’s not much of a way to chase or gank!
His wards can see you. Even when you use stalk, very hard to kill because he has invis too!
Pollywog Priest
His morph and bindings rape you. If you get caught in these, the other team can wack you to death, easily.
Magmus has his aoe stun and his eruption which can kill you even if you go invis.


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