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I. Heroes:

A. Legion (21) = Sentinel

1. Agility (5+1)
Night Hound.......= Stealth Assassin
Swiftblade........= Juggernaut (healing ward replaced with single target version of Axe's counterattack)
Magebane..........= Anti-Mage
Moon Queen........= Moon Rider(Luna)
Wildsoul..........= Lone Druid(Syllabear)

2. Intelligence (5+2)
Blacksmith...-....= Ogre Magi
Thunderbringer....= Lord of Olympia(Zeus)
Pollywog priest...= Rhasta
Pyromancer........= Slayer(Lina Inverse)
Tempest...........= Enigma

3. Strength (7+1)
Armadon...........= Bristleback
Behemoth..........= Earthshaker
Hammerstorm.......= Rogue Knight(Sven)
Jereziah.........~= Omniknight (passive slow aura changed to passive slow similar to admirals passive)
Legionnaire.......= Axe
Pebbles..........~= Stone Giant(Tiny) (stun passive no longer stuns, but reduces debuff time)
Keeper of Forest ~= Treant Protector (armor/regen buff replaced with pick up tree, eyes no longer truesight, but heals nearby units)

4. New heroes (4)
Scout.............1. Vanish (similar to bounty hunter WW, except increases movespeed by 10%/20%/30%/40%)
..................2. Place Electric Eye (sees invis)
..................3. 2x crit passive + evade (similar to bounty hunter passive)
..................4. Ulti: Replica of Sniper ulti

Nymphora..........1. AoE - heal+dmg (360heal/dmg? on lvl 4)
..................2. Next cast cost 0 mana (active buff)
..................3. Stun in a line (+ increased atk speed buff depending on amount of units hit)
..................4. Ulti: Mass TP anywhere (0/1/2 heroes)

Zephyr(Owlman)....1. Leap, damage in a line + moves enemy slightly
..................2. Cyclones on creepkill, heals self when consumed
..................3. Increased evasion+chance to return ranged dmg. (active)
..................4. Ulti: AoE - Increase team movespeed, reduce enemy move speed

Predator..........1. Venomous leap (DoT+slow+leap)
..................2. Centaur's damage self + enemy
..................3. Naix' selfheal + dmg
..................4. Ulti: Decrease enemy armor (AoE) + increase own attackspeed

B. Hellbourne (21)= Scourge

1. Agility (4+3)
Chronos...........= Faceless Void
Slither...........= Venomancer
Blood Hunter......= Bloodseeker
Soulstealer.......= Shadow Fiend

2. Intelligence (6+1)
Defiler...........= Death Prophet(Krobelus)
Glacius...........= Crystal Maiden (frostbite spell now stuns/silences)
Hellbringer......~= Warlock (different DoT + "damage sharing" spell heals self + slow not channeling & AoE)
Demented Shaman...= Shadow Priest
Voodoo Jester....~= Witch Doctor (AoE heal replaced with Warlock's single target HoT/DoT)
Torturer.........~= Tormented Soul(Leshrac) (Lightning replaced by nuke that pulls units together)

3. Strength (5+2)
Accursed..........= Lord of Avernus(Abaddon)
Devourer..........= Butcher(Pudge)
Pharaoh...........= Clockwerk Goblin
Pestilence........= Slithereen Guard(Slardar)
Warbeast..........= Lycanthrope

4. New heroes (6)
Arachna...........1. Slow attack similar to Drow's frost arrows
..................2. Increase resistance to magic+remove debuffs (active)
..................3. Ranged damage increase aura (28% on lvl 4)
..................4. Ulti: Throw spider on enemy that deals moderate physical damage for 3,4,5(?) seconds

Madman............1. Instant invis (almost no fade time), increases movespeed by 10%/20%/30%/40%
..................2. Reduce attack damage and armor (similar to vengeful's spell)
..................3. Chance to 2x crit
..................4. Ulti: Berserk (same as Troll Warlord's ulti)

Dark Lady.........1. Increase damage dealt for X seconds + silences opponent when hit (active selfbuff)
..................2. Nuke that slows the enemy (275dmg? on lvl 4)
..................3. Leap that does the equivalent of 1 hit on each unit in a line
..................4. Ulti: Reduces all enemy heroes sight range + removes shared vision between all enemy heroes

Puppet Master.....1. Hold enemy with strings for up to 5.25(?) secs, reduces mobility
..................2. Force target unit to attack closest unit (friend/foe doesn't matter)
..................3. Every 5th attack deals upto 200% more dmg. + passive dmg. increase
..................4. Ulti: Creates a puppet linked to an enemy and takes up to 200% extra damage from hits.

Electrician.......1. Similar to Rhasta grip
..................2. Mana shield, similar to Gorgon/Medusa's mana shield, but better/stronger
..................3. Steal mana from nearby enemies (AoE)
..................4. Ulti: Slow target enemy + remove buffs (similar to purge) / Increase speed of target friendly + remove debuffs

Kraken............1. Same as tidehunter nuke
..................2. Charge (knocks aside enemies + deals damage)
..................3. Tides' splash passive
..................4. Ulti: Creates 2 whirlpools, one at target location and one on self, after ~4 seconds anyone near either will be TP'd to targeted location
II. Items: (HoN - DotA)
A. Accessories

Crushing Claws - Guantlets of Strength: +3 Strength - 150 gold

Duck Boots - Slippers of Agility: +3 Agility - 150 gold

Mark of the Novice - Mantle of Intelligence: +3 Intelligence - 150

Minor Totem - Ironwood Branch: +1 All Attributes - 53 gold

Bolstering Armband - Belt of Giant Strength: +6 Strength - 450 gold

Fleetfoot - Boots of Elvenskin: +6 Agility - 450 gold

Apprentice's Robe - Robe of the Magi: +6 Intelligence - 450 gold

Pretenders Crown - Circlet of Nobility: +2 All Attributes - 185 gold

Mighty Blade - Ogre Axe: +10 Strength - 1000 gold

Quick Blade - Blade of Alacrity: +10 Agility - 1000 gold

Neophyte's Book - Staff of Wizardry: +10 Intelligence - 1000 gold

Blessed Orb - Ultimate Orb: +10 All Attributes - 2100 gold

B. Weapons

Punch Dagger - Blades of Attack: +9 Damage - 500 gold

Broadsword - Broadsword: +18 Damage - 1200 gold

Bastard Sword - Claymore: +21 Damage - 1400 gold

Warhammer - Mithril Hammer: +24 Damage - 1610 gold

Helm of the Victim - Helm of Iron Will: +5 armor, +3 HP Regeneration - 950 gold

Iron Buckler - Stout Shield: +40% chance to block 30 damage - 300 gold

Steamstaff - Quarterstaff: +10 Damage, +10 Attack Speed - 900 gold

Halberd - Javelin: +21 Damage, 20% chance to deal 40 bonus damage - 1500 gold

Guardian Ring - Ring of Protection: +2 Armor - 175 gold

Ringmail - Chainmail: +5 Armor - 550 gold

Plate Mail - Plate Mail: +10 Armor - 1400 gold
C. Relics

Gloves of the Swift - Gloves of Haste: +15 Attack Speed - 500 gold

Hungry Spirit - Mask of Death: +10% Life Steal - 900 gold

Trinket of Restoration - Ring of Regeneration: +2 HP Regeneration - 375 gold

Portal Key - Kelen's Dagger of Escape: Teleports up to 1200 distance way. Cannot be used if you have been damaged in the last 3 seconds. Cooldown: 18 - 2150 gold

Scarab - Sobi Mask: +50% Mana Regeneration - 325 gold

Marchers - Boots of Speed: +50 Movement Speed - 500 gold

Bound Eye - Gem of True Sight: Reveals nearby invisibile units. Drops upon death. - 750 gold

Mystic Vestments - Planeswalker's Cloak: +15% Magic Resistance - 650 gold

D. Supplies

Mana Potion - Clarity Potion: Regenerates 100 mana over 30 seconds when used. Dispels on attack. - 50 gold

Healing Potion - Healing Salve: Heals 400 HP over 10 seconds on a friendly unit. 1 Charge. Dispels on attack. - 100 gold

Runes of the Blight - Ancient Tango of Essifation: Allows the bearer to consume a tree, restoring 115 hit points over 16 seconds. 3 charges. - 90 gold

Bottle - Empty Bottle: It can store healing water up to 3 uses, each healing 135 hitpoints and 70 mana over 3 seconds. Alternatively, it can be used to capture magical runes for up to 2 minutes. If a rune is captured, it refills itself. - 600 gold

Ward of Sight - Observer Wards: Drops a ward of sight to spy upon an area. Does not have True Sight. Lasts 6 minutes. Contains 2 charges. - 200 gold

Ward of Revelation - Sentry Wards: Drops a ward of revelation which gives true sight, revealing nearby invisible units. Has very limited natural vision by itself. Lasts 2 minutes. Contains 2 charges. - 200 gold

Dust of Revelation - Dust of Appearance: Reveals enemy invisibile units in an area around the Hero. Does not stack in inventory. Contains 2 charges. Lasts 12 Seconds. - 180 gold

Homecoming Stone - Scroll of Town Poral: Transports you to a friendly structure. Cooldown: 65 seconds. - 135 gold

Monkey Courier - Animal Courier: Creates a small fast unit that can carry items to and from your base. If it dies the items will fall to the ground. - 200 gold

Winged Courier - Flying Courier: Creates a small very fast flying unit that can carry items to and from your base. If it dies the items will fall to the ground. Has mahical immunity, hitpoints and armor. Cannot carry Gem. Can cast burst, courier shield, and upgrade for mana. - 400 gold
E. Secret Shop

Axe of the Malphai - Messerschmidt's Reaver: +25 Strength - 3200 gold

Dancing Blade - Eaglehorn: +25 Agility - 3300 gold

Acolyte's Staff - Mystic Staff: +25 Intelligence - 2700 gold

Slayer - Demon Edge: +36 Damage - 2400 gold

Warped Cleft - Hyperstone: +55 Attack Speed - 2100 gold

Lifetube - Ring of Health: +5 HP Regeneration - 875 gold

Manatube - Void Stone: +100% Mana Regeneration - 875 gold

Sword of the High - Sacred Relic: +60 Damage - 3800 gold

Beast Heart - Vitality Booster: +250 Hit Points - 1100 gold

Pickled Brain - Energy Booster: +250 Mana - 1000 gold

Glow Stone - Point Booster: +200 Hit Points, +150 Mana - 1200 gold

F. Initiation

Fortified Bracelet - Bracer: + 3 to Strength, +3 to All Attributes.
Crushing Claws - 150 gold
Pretender Crown - 185 gold
Fortified Bracelet Recipe - 175 gold
Total Price - 510 gold.

soulscream ring - Wraith Band: +3 Agility, +3 to All Attributes.
Duck Boots - 150 gold
Pretender Crown - 185 gold
Soulscream Ring Recipe - 125 gold
Total Price - 460 gold

Talisman of Exile - Null Talisman: +3 Intelligence, +3 to All Attributes.
Mark of the Novice - 150 gold
Pretender Crown - 185 gold
Talisman of Exile Recipe - 150 gold
Total Price - 485 gold

Great Arcana - Oblivion Staff: +10 Attack Speed, +15 Damage, +6 Intelligence, and +75% Mana Regeneration.
Steam Staff - 900 gold
Scarab - 325 gold
Apprentice Robes - 450 gold
Total Price - 1675 gold

Sustainer - Perserverance: +5 HP Regeneration, +125% Mana Regeneration.
Lifetube - 875 gold
Manatube - 875 gold
Total Price - 1750 gold

Whispering Helm - Helm of the Dominator: +5 Armor, +20 Damage, +15% Life steal, and ability to convert creeps. Cooldown: 300 seconds.
Hungry Spirit - 900 gold
Helm of the Victim - 950 gold
Total Price - 1850 gold

Alchemist's Bones - Hand of Midas: +30 Attack Speed and Ability to instantly turn creeps into gold. Cooldown: 100 seconds.
Gloves of the Swift - 500 gold
Alchemist's Bones Recipe - 1400 gold
Total Price - 1900 gold

Slash - Yasha: +16 Agility, +15 Attack Speed, and +10 Movement Speed.
Fleetfoot - 450 gold
Quickblade - 1000 gold
Slash Recipe - 800 gold
Total Price - 2250 gold

Enhanced Marchers - Phase Boots: +16 Damage, +7 armor, +70 Movement Speed. Can be cast to ignore unit pathing and give a movement speed increase for 5 seconds. Casting spells removes the buff. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Marchers - 500 gold
Punch Dagger - 500 gold
Ringmail - 550 gold
Total Price - 1550 gold

Steam Boots - Power Treads: +65 Movement speed, 10 Strength, and +30 attack speed. Click to toggle stats.
Marchers - 500 gold
Gloves of the Swift - 500 gold
Bolstering Armband - 450 gold
Steam Boots Recipe - 400 gold
Total Price - 1850 gold

Post Haste - Boots of Travel: +90 Movement Speed and allows the hero to teleport to friendly non-hero unit. Cooldown: 60 seconds.
Marchers - 500 gold
Post Haste Recipe - 2200 gold
Total Price - 2700 gold
G. Supportive

Ring of the Teacher - Ring of Basilius: +.65 Mana Regeneration Aura, +3 Armor Aura and +6 Damage.
Guardian Ring - 175 gold
Scarab - 325 gold
Total Price - 500 golD

Refreshing Ornament - Headdress of Rejuvenation: +2 to All Attributes and +2 HP Regeneration Aura.
Trinket of Restoration - 375 gold
Minor Totem - 53 gold
Refreshing Ornament Recipe - 225 gold
Total Price - 653 gold

Shield of Five - Nathrezim Buckler: +5 armor, +2 All Attributes. When activated, gives 2 bonus armor to neaby allied units. Cooldown: 25 seconds.
Ringmail - 550 gold
Minor Totem - 53 gold
Shield of Five Recipe - 200 gold
Total Price 803 gold

Ring of Sorcery - Arcane Ring: +3 Armor, and +300 Mana. When activated, restores 135 mana to an area around the caster. Cooldown: 35 seconds.
Guardian Ring - 175 gold
Pickled Brain - 1000 gold
Ring of Sorcery Recipe - 525 gold
Total Price - 1700 gold

Abyssal Skull - Vladmir's Offering: +16% Lifesteal Aura (melee), +.80 Mana Regeneration Aura, +5 Armor Aura, and +15% Damage Aura.
Ring of the Teacher - 500 gold
Hungry Spirit - 900 gold
Trinket of Restoration - 375 gold
Abyssal Skull Recipe - 300 gold
Total Price - 2075

Astrolabe - Mekansm: +5 All Attributes, +5 Armor, +3 HP Regeneration Aura. When Activated, +2 Armor/250HP AoE Heal. Will only heal units that do not have the effect buff already.
Refreshing Ornament - 653
Shield of Five - 803 gold
Astrolabe Recipe - 900
Total Price - 2364

Puzzle Box - Necronomicon: +24 Intelligence, +14 Strength, and the ability to summon 2 level 3 Minions with unique abilities. Cooldown: 90 seconds.
Neophytes Book - 1000 gold
Bolstering Armband - 450 gold
Puzzle Box Recipe - 1300 gold
Total Price - 2750, 4050, 5350 gold (Based on each upgrade)

Codex - Dagon: +20 Intelligence, +9 Damage, +3 to all Attributes, and a 800 damage Energy Burst. Cooldown: 24 seconds.
Neophytes Book - 1000 gold
Punch Dagger - 500 gold
Codex Recipe - 1350
Total Price - 2850, 4200, 5550, 6900, 8250 gold (Based on each upgrade)

Stormspirit - Eul's Scepter of Divinity: +16 Intelligence, +100% Mana Regeneration, +20 Movement Speed and Cyclone Ability (2.5.) Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Neophytes Book - 1000 gold
Manatube - 875 gold
Aprentices Robe - 450 gold
Stormspirit Recipe - 600 gold
Total Price - 2925 gold

Hellflower - Orchid Malevolence: +20 Intelligence, +40 Damage, +30% attack speed, +225% Mana Regeneration and to Soul Burn for 5 seconds. (Silences and Amplifies damage by 20%) Cooldown: 25 seconds.
Great Arcana - 1675 gold
Great Arcana - 1675 gold
Great Arcana - 1675 gold
Total Price - 5025 gold

Restoration Stone - Refresher Orb: +5 HP Regeneration, +40 Damage, +150% Mana Regeneration, and the ability to instantly refresh all ability cooldowns. Cooldown: 210 seconds.
Great Arcana - 1675 gold
Sustainer - 1750 gold
Recipe - 1875 gold
Total Price - 5300

Totem of Kuldra - Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse: +35 Intelligence, +10 Agility, +10 Strength, +200% Mana Regeneration, and the ability to turn units into chattering teeth for 3.5 seconds. Cooldown: 35 seconds.
Acolytes Staff - 2700 gold
Blessed Orb - 2100 gold
Manatube - 875 gold
Total Price - 5675 gold

H. Protective

Barbed Armor - Blade Mail: +22 Damage, +5 Armor, +10 Intelligence. When activated, any damage you take will be returned to enemy units. Lasts 4 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds.
Brioadsword - 1200 gold
Ringmail - 550 gold Apprentices Robe - 450 gold
Barbed Armor Recipe - 500 gold
Total Price - 2700 gold

Helm of the Black Legion - Vanguard: +300 Hit Points, 5 HP regeneration, and 65% chance to block 40 damage.
Lifetube - 875 gold
Beast Heart - 1100 gold
Iron Buckler - 300 gold
Total Price - 2275 gold

Shaman's Headdress - Hood of Defiance: +30% Magic Armor, and +8 HP Regeneration.
Mystic Vestments - 650 gold
Helm of the Victim - 950 gold
Trinket of Restoration - 375 gold
Trinket of Restoration - 375 gold
Lifetube - 875 gold
Total Price - 2250 gold

Icon of the Goddess - Soul Booster: +450 Hit Points, +400 Mana, 10% Mana Regeneration, and +1 HP Regeneration.
Beast Heart - 1100 gold
Glow Stone - 1200 gold
Pickled Brain - 1000 gold
Total Price - 3300 gold

Assasin's Shroud - Loathar's Edge: +38 Damage, +10 attack speed, and a 9 second invisibility that grants +20% movement speed. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
Warhammer - 1610 gold
Steamstaff - 900 gold
Assasin's Shroud Recipe - 1100 gold
Total Price - 3610 gold

Shrunken Head - Black King Bar: +10 Strength, +24 Damage, and Immune to Magic ability, lasts 9 seconds. Cooldown: 75 seconds.
Mighty Blade - 1000 gold
Warhammer - 1610 gold
Shrunken Head Recipe - 1300 gold
Total Price - 3910 gold

Frostfield Plate - Shiva's Guard: +30 Intelligence, +15 Armor, -25% attack speed aura. Emits a blast of ice upon Activation, slowing movement speed by 40% for 4 seconds and dealing 200 damage. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Platemail - 1400 gold
Acolytes Staff - 2700 gold
Frostfield Plate Recipe - 600 gold
Total Price - 4700 gold

Sacraficial Heart - Bloodstone: +450 Hit Points, +400 Mana, +200% Mana Regeneration, +6 HP Regeneration. You gain 2 hp/mp extra regren per second for each charge. When you die this restores 450hp/400 mana to neaby allies. You respawn faster and lose less gold (Better if you have charges.) While dead you gain XP and vision in that area.
Icon of the Goddess - 3300 gold
Sustainer - 1750 gold
Total Price - 5050 gold

Null Stone - Linken's Sphere: +15 to all Attributes, +6 HP regeneration, +150% mana regeneration, and blocks a spell every 20 seconds.
Sustainer - 1750 gold
Blessed Orb - 2100 gold
Null Stone Recipe - 1325 gold
Total Price - 5175 gold

Behemoth's Heart - Heart of Tarrasque: +35 Strength, +300 Hit Points, +1% HP Regeneration.
Axe of the Malphai - 3200 gold
Beast Heart - 1100 gold
Behemoth's Heart Recipe - 1200 gold
Total Price - 5500 gold

Daemonic Breast Plate - Assault Cuirass: +10 Armor, +5 armor aura, -5 armor aura, +40 Attack Speed, and +15 Attack Speed Aura.
Plate Mail - 1400 gold
Warpcleft - 2100 gold
Ringmail - 550 gold
Daemonic Breast Plate Recipe - 2000 gold
Total Price - 6050 gold
Symbol of Rage - Satanic: +25% Life steal, +25 Strength, +5 Armor. When activated, grants you +15% Life steal, and +30 damage. Lasts 20 seconds. Cooldown: 50 seconds.
Whispering Helm - 1850 gold
Axe of the Malphai - 3200
Symbol of Rage Recipe - 1100 gold
Total Price - 6150 gold

I. Combative

Eldar Parasite - Mask of Madness: +17% Life Steal. When activated, adds 75% attack speed, 15% movement speed, and 20% extra damage dealt at the end of the duration based on the damage you took. Cooldown: 25 seconds.
Hungry Spirit - 900 gold
Eldar Parasite Recipe - 1050 gold
Total price - 1950 gold

Riftshards - Crystalys: +35 Damage and had a 10% critical strike for 1.75x damage.
Broadsword - 1200 gold
Punch Dagger - 500 gold
Riftshards Recipe - 500 gold
Total Price - 2200 gold

Insanitarius - Armlet of Mordiggian: +9 Damage, +15 attack speed, +5 armor, and +3hp regeneration. When Active grants the wearer unholy strength. Cooldown: 10 seconds.
Helm of the Victim - 950 gold
Gloves of the Swift - 500 gold
Punch Dagger - 500 gold
Insanitarius Recipe - 900 gold
Total Price - 2850 gold

Runed Axe - Battle Fury: +65 Damage, +150 Mana Regeneration, +6 HP Regeneration and 35% cleaving attack in a 225 AoE.
Bastard Sword - 1400 gold
Broadsword - 1200 gold
Sustainer - 1750 gold
Total Price - 4350 gold

Mock of Brilliance - Radiance: +60 Damage, 8% Evasion, and damages nearby units for 35 Damage a second.
Sword of the High - 3800 gold
Mock of Brilliance Recipe - 1525 gold
Total Price - 5325 gold

Savage Mace - Monkey King Bar: +80 Damage, +15 Attack Speed, and 35% chance to deal 100 bonus damage on every attack stopping channeling spells.
Halberd - 1500 gold
Halberd - 1500 gold
Slayer - 2400 gold
Total Price - 5400 gold

Flayer - Buriza-do Kyanon: +75 Damage and +20% critical Strike for 2.2x damage.
Slayer - 2400 gold
Riftshards - 2200 gold
Flayer Recipe - 1200 gold
Total Price - 5800 gold

Wingbow - The Butterfly: +30 Agility, +30 Damage, +30 Attack Speed, +30% Evasion. Components:
Dancing Blade - 3300 gold
Steam Staff - 900 gold
Wingbow Recipe - 1800 gold
Total Price - 6000 gold

Staff of the Master - Aghanim's Scepter: +30 Intelligence, +500 Hit Points, +500 mana, and Improves your Ultimate.
Acoltyes Staff - 2700 gold
Icon of the Goddess - 3300 gold
Total Price - 6000 gold

Doombringer - Divine Rapier: +200 Damage and drops upon death.
Slayer - 2400 gold
Sword of the High - 3800 gold
Total Price - 6200 gold

Morph Attack

Hack - Sange: +16 Stength, +15% chance on hit to slow target, reducing movement speed and +10 damage.
Mighty Blade - 1000 gold
Bolstering Armband - 450 gold
Hack Recipe - 800 gold
Total Price - 2250 gold

Brutalizer - Cranium Basher: +30 Damage, +3 Strength, and has a 25% (10% for ranged) chance to Bash for 25 damage and stunning for 1.1 seconds. Has a 2 second cooldown. Does not stack with other bash passives.
Halberd - 1500 gold
Crushing Claws - 150 gold
Brutalizer Recipe - 1460 gold
Total Price - 3110 gold

Thunder Claw - Maelstrom: +25 Damage, +6 Agility, and a 20% chance to release a 150 damage chain lightning.
Fleetfoot - 450 gold
Bastard Sword - 1400 gold
Thunder Claw Recipe - 1400 gold
Total Price - 3250 gold

Nullfire Blade - Diffusal Blade: +22 Agility, +6 Intelligence, and feedback (Burns 26 mana) and can cast purge. Cooldown: 12 seconds.
Quick Blade - 1000 gold
Quick Blade - 1000 gold
Apprentices Robe - 450 gold
Nullfire Blade Recipe - 850 gold
Total Price - 3300 gold

Shield Breaker - Desolator: +60 Damage and reduces the armor of enemies you attack by 6.
Warhammer - 1610 gold
Warhammer - 1610 gold
Shield Breaker Recipe - 1200 gold
Total Price - 4420 gold

Hack and Slash - Sange and Yasha: +16 agility, +16 Strength, +15 attack speed, +15% chance to slow target, +12 Damage, +12% movement speed. Movement bonus does not stack with slash. Components:
Hack - 2250 gold
Slash - 2250 gold
Hack and Slash Recipe - 500 gold
Total Price - 5000 gold

Geometer's Bane - Manta Style: +30 Agility, +6 Intelligence, +250 Hit Points, and Mana Burn( Burns 60 Mana), and allows you to create 2 illusions of yourself that deal 40% damage and recieve 300% damage. Cooldown: 40 seconds.
Nullfire Blade - 3300 gold
Beast Heart - 1100 gold
Geometer's Bane Recipe - 1400 gold
Total Price - 5800 gold

Charged Hammer - Mjollnir: +35 Agility, +35 Damage, and a 20% chance to release a 200 damage chain lightning. When static charge buff is placed on friendly unit, has a 20% chance to do 200 damage, can only deal damage once per second. Cooldown: 40 seconds.
Thunder Claw - 3250 gold
Dancing Blade - 3300 gold
Total Price - 6550 gold

Frostwolf's Skull - Eye of Skadi: +25 to all Attributes, +200 Hit Points, +150 Mana and grants a Frost Attack.
Blessed Orb - 2100 Gold
Blessed Orb - 2100 Gold
Glow Stone - 1200 Gold
Frostwolf's Skull Recipe - 1250 gold
Total Gold - 6650 gold

(from : dotastrategy)


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