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Fayde - New Hero Skill LEAKED HERE

So I am going to lay out some thoughts about Fayde, what we wanted to accomplish with her, her abilities, and how we think she should be played.

So we set out to make a new Agility ganking hero. We wanted someone specifically that could be good at ending the reign of Ophelia/Tempest, thus taking down jungle heroes that normally are safe no matter what. We had a few guidelines we wanted to follow but generally we felt that as long as she had good lane presence, decent stats and gain, and didn't scale too much we could accomplish this. Her ganking potential is something that doesn't rely on others like Chipper does so much. She can gank alone and often and does it well. When ganking another lane, it's even better.

So playing her, we definitely think she should be a solo mid hero and at least for now (when you are done with the 5v5 Fayde games) play her as such. Try to gank when you get runes or at level 6. Play her aggressively. We want to know how she performs especially when there are jungle heroes on the other team, so try to set that up in your games if you can.

Is she good at mid? Can she gank well in other lanes and the jungle? When playing against her, do you lose track of where she is? Does she use her illusion well? Do you get confused playing against her ever? What do you think of her skillset and damage output? Does she do her job? Is her manapool too limited?

All of these questions are important, so as you play her think about them.

So onto her abilities. I will do so in the awesome Nome format. All numbers are subject to change at a moment's notice. I will add numbers in ~20 minutes:

  • Self Position
  • Organic Enemy Units
  • Magic
  • 300 Radius
All enemies in the radius take X Magic damage and have Y% of their max mana destroyed.
Burning Shadows

  • Target Dual
  • Can target everything, but only hits Heroes (for now?)
  • Magic
  • 500 Range
Creates Burning Shadows for 640 units in the target direction. All enemy heroes hit are stunned for X seconds and a Shadow Copy of them is created. The Shadow Copy is uncontrollable, invulnerable, has max movespeed, and attacks only the target. Each attack from an illusion does Y Physical damage for 4 attacks.
Dark Shield

  • Self
  • Magic
  • StatusBuff
Applies Dark Shield to self for 3,4,5,6 seconds

Dark Shield
+60 Movement Speed
100% Evasion

  • Self
  • StatusStealth
Seamlessly creates an illusion that does 100% damage but takes 300% damage. Any experience the illusion would get that Fayde wouldn't is transfered to Fayde.

Applies Reflection to Fayde for X seconds with 2/3/4 charges. A charge is removed for every time Fayde lands an attack or uses an ability. Stealth is removed when charges reach 0.

Illusion is killed when Fayde comes out of stealth.

+30% Movement Speed
Stealth with 0 fade time
+20% All Damage

*taken from HoN Forums


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