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Fayde Speculation

Do any of you huys have Ideas on what she might be?
Judging on the the 2 images poted in the sticky thread, I'm come to the concluion that it's not entirely impossible that she is infact a port of the new DotA hero, Murloc Nightcrawler.

Not only does her theme fir perfectly, but the images of her as well. Both the screenshots could be Murloc skills.

-The first one, some 360? around caster AOE spell
could be "Dark Pact".

-The Second, sees Fayde tinted to black, and with an odd black smoke like substance following her. This could easily be "Shadow Dance", Murloc's Ultimate.

Remember, this is purely speculation as the title suggests. Even I doubt that S2 would port such a new DotA hero. It's just a possibillity.
Feel free to add your ideas or opinions on what she may be, and see how close you can get to the soon to be revealed details.


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