THis web is still in BETA progess, If you like visit always this site, i will make a better web and forum thanks

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Heroes of Newerth Pride Tournament

We are happy to announce that registration for the Peregrine HoN Pride has now begun! This tournament (with a $12,000 prize pool) will be the first installment of the HoN Pride tournament series hosted exclusively by myMYM every few months. For those of you who have been patiently waiting on the sidelines, now is your chance to sign...
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Patch Version 1.0.2 Changelog

Version 1.0.2 ------------- General - Marchers are now in the outpost - Fixed Plated Greaves not working. - Implemented functionality for "Buy All Components" * Clicking this button will attempt to purchase all components and sub-components needed to complete the recipe. - Fixed several stringtable entries - Fixed blockers behind the Legion fountain to help people who teleport back there - Updated some cliffs so wards...
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Is it Port or Original Hero...
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New Way to Purchase HoN

For those of you who have been trying to purchase HoN, but don't have a credit card or PayPal account, today's your lucky day! You can now purchase HoN via Money Order or Cashiers Check. The option to do so is on the right side of the Billing Page next to the PayPal option when you are trying to create/upgrade your account....
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Gauntlet and the Retail Launch News

Bye bye Beta, here comes the coolest and peak moment of Heroes of Newerth, now it's LIVE and going to officially launched, you guys need to prepurchase the game in order to continue playing this great game, now the S2Crew are busy working with the retail launch. UPDATE - For the pre purchased user that already got...
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2 New Heroes coming very soon. This is Balphagore and our community designed and voted upon strength hero. That is one big fist! From Heroes of Newerth Facebook Hey guys, we've got a test client build going with *some* changes to match making (more coming), a new hero, and some other balance tweaks. We're like to schedule...
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Current test client version : 0.2.61 Hey guys, we've got a test client build going with *some* changes to match making (more coming), a new hero, and some other balance tweaks. We're like to schedule a match making test for 5/5/2010 at 3pm PST (-8 GMT). Please download the test client and login at that time. The test server...
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Retail Release Date, Good bye Beta !

Retail release date has been set. HoN's Open Beta will come to an end on Wednesday, May 12th @ 4:00pm EST, 2 weeks from today. It has been an amazing beta process and we appreciate the support of all our fans! Read more about what Maliken said about this here : Want To Steal A Nickname? Read This! (Retail Wed, May 12th)  Hello everyone, The...
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Patch Version 0.3.5

------------- - Fixed the 'terrain being black' bug Items - Tweaked effects on Frostfield Plate to better match the area (Thanks to Warchamp7) - Kuldra's Sheep stick will now dispel stealth on its target - Monkey Courier now has a three second cool down between purchases - Nullfire Blade's purge no longer passes through Magic Immunity Tablet of Command - No longer be castable on Magic Immune...
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of Heroes of Newerth

For centuries, the Sacred Order has recognized the “Flame-Touched,” those men and women filled with a burning, if more than slightly mad, devotion to Sol.  Those Flame-Touched who serve in the Legion are more commonly called Pyromancers for their mastery over fire, and creatures strongly attuned to that element. Stats Attack Type=Ranged Attack...
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Jereziah: Team Support Strategy Build ====================================== Jereziah is a melee hero combined with one of the best support skill sets in the game. A strength hero with a very strong AOE strike, Spell immunity, the best single target heal in the game, and even damage immunity AOE for nearby friendly units and himself....
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Complete Item List and Guide

Items in Heroes of Newerth __________________________________________________I will have the HoN names and DotA names up soon. I will also rework the requirements and prices for better viewing later. Updates will come soon. Heroes Of Newerth Items are Orange. DotA items are green. Accessories __________________________________________________ ...
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