[Madman] .madman (0.3.3)

Skill Build
1 - Stalk
2 - Barel Roll
3 - Stalk
4 - Barell Roll
5 - Barell Roll
6 - Stalk
7 - Barell Roll
8 - Stalk
9 - Berserk
10 - Gash
11 - Berserk
12 - Gash
13 - Gash
14 - Gash
15 - Stats
16 - Berserk
17 - Stats+
Justification / Modifications:
Stalk is nice for early Harassing and you won't be able to support the Mana for Barrel Roll early on. Thus we get Stalk 2 first. Later with Bottle and Power Supply you can Barrel Roll more often and the Mana Cost for Barrel Roll at level 1 and 4 are the same. This is why we max it first.
As of 0.3.0 you can take Berserk as soon as you maxxed out Stalk and Barell Roll.
Starting Items:
Runes of Blight, Healing Potion, Mana Potion, Logger's Hatchet, 2x Minor Totem
You can get a naked Bottle if you start solo mid. Lasthit into Harass a lot with Stalk if you do that.
Bottle >> Power Supply >> Steam Boots
You need Bottle and Power Supply. Spamming his Spells make Madman such a dominant early and midgame hero. He has low mana and manaregen as you would expect from an agi hero so consider setting steamboots on int for now. Ghost Marchers are trash as you move much faster with stalk and they do break stalk slowing you down.
After Core:
1. Runed Axe is the most popular choice, especially in pubs. It solves a lot of your mana problems and allows you to easily farm up the rest of your carry gear.
2. Shrunken Head is mandatory on Madman. In higher levels of play you will even get this before Runed Axe, but usually you will be fine to get it after.
3. Whispering Helm and later Symbol of Rage is the next Item (consider some ancient stacking in between).
4. Savage Mace is the late game dps item of choice due to synergy with your ult.
Alternative Items :
- Hellflower solves all your mana problems you will ever have while providing a very useful debuff for Madman. You will see this item a lot in higher level play as it can take out a hero like Plague Rider or Soulstealer before they get off their ultimate.
Roles: Hard-Carry, Ganker
Prefered Lane: Any. Solid mid.
Difficulty: 3 - Medium
Farming capabilities: 4 - Good
Item dependancy: 4 - Heavy
- Early Game / Lane Control: 4 - Strong (His spells are excellent for harrassing...)
- Mid Game / Ganks: 4 - Strong (... and for farming purposes)
- Late Game / Team Fights: 5 - Very Strong (Capable Hard-Carry if well farmed)
- Stalk behind the target and auto attack for 2-3 hits until they're on the side, barrel roll, animation cancel till you're in front. Stalk should be up by then. Rinse and repeat.
- Once one of the teams initiates, you should focus on stunning their whole team with a BR to start, and then Berserk and beat on whatever INT disabler/nuker is closest to you.
- Use your ult early (before the fight/gank), it lasts very long.
- Mana Battery/Power Supply has to be gotten early if laning against Madman.
- Early to Mid Game his damage will be mostly magical. Later Physical. Barbed Armor is good if he goes for pure damage (Runed Axe into Savage Mace)

Skill Build
1 - Stalk
2 - Barel Roll
3 - Stalk
4 - Barell Roll
5 - Barell Roll
6 - Stalk
7 - Barell Roll
8 - Stalk
9 - Berserk
10 - Gash
11 - Berserk
12 - Gash
13 - Gash
14 - Gash
15 - Stats
16 - Berserk
17 - Stats+
Justification / Modifications:
Stalk is nice for early Harassing and you won't be able to support the Mana for Barrel Roll early on. Thus we get Stalk 2 first. Later with Bottle and Power Supply you can Barrel Roll more often and the Mana Cost for Barrel Roll at level 1 and 4 are the same. This is why we max it first.
As of 0.3.0 you can take Berserk as soon as you maxxed out Stalk and Barell Roll.
Starting Items:
Runes of Blight, Healing Potion, Mana Potion, Logger's Hatchet, 2x Minor Totem
You can get a naked Bottle if you start solo mid. Lasthit into Harass a lot with Stalk if you do that.
Bottle >> Power Supply >> Steam Boots
You need Bottle and Power Supply. Spamming his Spells make Madman such a dominant early and midgame hero. He has low mana and manaregen as you would expect from an agi hero so consider setting steamboots on int for now. Ghost Marchers are trash as you move much faster with stalk and they do break stalk slowing you down.
After Core:
1. Runed Axe is the most popular choice, especially in pubs. It solves a lot of your mana problems and allows you to easily farm up the rest of your carry gear.
2. Shrunken Head is mandatory on Madman. In higher levels of play you will even get this before Runed Axe, but usually you will be fine to get it after.
3. Whispering Helm and later Symbol of Rage is the next Item (consider some ancient stacking in between).
4. Savage Mace is the late game dps item of choice due to synergy with your ult.
Alternative Items :
- Hellflower solves all your mana problems you will ever have while providing a very useful debuff for Madman. You will see this item a lot in higher level play as it can take out a hero like Plague Rider or Soulstealer before they get off their ultimate.
Roles: Hard-Carry, Ganker
Prefered Lane: Any. Solid mid.
Difficulty: 3 - Medium
Farming capabilities: 4 - Good
Item dependancy: 4 - Heavy
- Early Game / Lane Control: 4 - Strong (His spells are excellent for harrassing...)
- Mid Game / Ganks: 4 - Strong (... and for farming purposes)
- Late Game / Team Fights: 5 - Very Strong (Capable Hard-Carry if well farmed)
- Stalk behind the target and auto attack for 2-3 hits until they're on the side, barrel roll, animation cancel till you're in front. Stalk should be up by then. Rinse and repeat.
- Once one of the teams initiates, you should focus on stunning their whole team with a BR to start, and then Berserk and beat on whatever INT disabler/nuker is closest to you.
- Use your ult early (before the fight/gank), it lasts very long.
- Mana Battery/Power Supply has to be gotten early if laning against Madman.
- Early to Mid Game his damage will be mostly magical. Later Physical. Barbed Armor is good if he goes for pure damage (Runed Axe into Savage Mace)
Credit : Newtie
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